What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is basically a replacement for the root or the roots of a tooth. It is an attachment that is implanted within the jaw bone and replaces natural teeth by supporting prosthesis such as removable or fixed denture. With the placement of dental implants, bone formation occurs and results in firm bond and stability of the artificial tooth.
How do dental implants work?
The success or failure of the implants depends on the health of the tissues in the mouth for the person receiving the treatment. The success is basically the ability to form direct contact with the surrounding jaw bone. This is a biologic process called as osseointegration in which the artificial materials form an intimate bond to bone.
When do you need a dental implant?
Generally, any person with one or more missing natural teeth needs a dental implant. Also, this treatment is an excellent choice for the people who have uncomfortable dentures or get difficulty to chew food items.
Definitely consider getting a dental implant if:
  • You want to get rid of your existing inconvenient dentures.
  • You want to eat and speak without any difficulty.
  • You want a long and durable replacement for your missing teeth.
  • You no longer want to wear removable dentures.
  • You are looking for a permanent solution to tooth loss.
Dental implants come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Also, they need not require you to buy any special products for cleaning or care. Everybody has different dental needs and only the talented and experienced dentist can help you in providing the best dental care.
If you are looking for a reliable dental care, then PIER dental care in Vancouver is there for you. They have talented dentists with extensive experience in cosmetic and aesthetic dental treatments.
